Wow! Henry Is 122 Years Old, Has 6 Wives and Over 10,000 Babies
If this were an episode of the Maury Povich Show, this guy would be dinged by so many different baby mamas, he wouldn’t even know what hit him.
How in the world can one male live to be over 100 years old and have more kids than Nick Cannon and we are just now hearing about it?
But it’s true — Henry is 122 and has six wives and more than 10,000 babies.
Meet one of the world’s oldest known crocodiles. Henry has been on God’s green earth since the early 1900s, and in that time, your boy has done some damage.
Henry lives at the Crocworld Conservation Centre in South Africa and according to them, “He might be missing a few toes and teeth, but after 122 years on the planet, that’s to be expected! He’s happy, healthy, and ready to welcome visitors — from a distance!”
Don’t get too close to old Henry — everyone who does seems to have one of his mini-crocodiles.
Henry has lived at Crocworld for more than 30 years and has become a favorite among visitors.
Before that, he lived in the wild. After being captured, Henry has been destined to live a life in captivity, but that hasn’t stopped him from having six wives and thousands of offspring!
How does one crocodile father so many little ones?
According to Crocworld, there are a few other crocodiles there that he has become rather close with, and he seems to be a player compared to other males that make their home there.
This guy is nothing to be messed with — he is 16 feet long and weighs about a thousand pounds. This is one stout baby daddy, that’s for certain.